
class kilopop.kilonovae.bns_kilonovae_population_distribution(population_size=50000, only_draw_parameters=True, chunksize=500, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Class to construct population from Setzer et al. 2022.

This class holds attributes which are vectors of each parameter of the population.

The user can generate a new population, based on size, otherwise the population from the paper is imported.


bns_kilonovae_population_distribution – Attributes of the class object are self.paramsi where i is in range(12) and are arrays of the distributions corresponding to each parameter.

Return type:

class instance

__init__(population_size=50000, only_draw_parameters=True, chunksize=500, **kwargs)[source]
  • population_size (int) – The size of the population to be drawn from the population. Default is 50000.

  • only_draw_parameters (boolean (optional)) – Flag whether to generate only the parameter distributions, or to also simulate the lightcurves and derive the properties presented in the paper. Default is True.

  • chunksize (int (optional)) – If computing properties from the lightcurves this option will batch the computation into chunks for multiprocessing. Default is 500.


Call self as a function.


__init__([population_size, ...])

param population_size:

The size of the population to be drawn from the population. Default is 50000.

compute_lightcurve_properties_per_kilonova(id, ...)

Wrapper function to execute the per-kilonova population draws and computation of light curve properties in parallel.

compute_lightcurve_properties_per_kilonova(id, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper function to execute the per-kilonova population draws and computation of light curve properties in parallel.


id (int) – The id of the transient being generated for record keeping


parameter_dict – Dictionary construct containing all the parameters set for the population.

Return type:
