
kilopop.macronovae_wrapper.create_sed_timeseries(luminosity_array, min_wave=500.0, max_wave=12000.0, phases=None, wavelengths=None)[source]

Function to compute a planck distribution normalized to sigma*T**4/pi

  • luminosity_array (nd.array) – Time-series evolution of the bolometric luminosity of the simulated kilonova source. For use with scaling the Planck distribution. Expected shape (n_time, 4).

  • min_wave (float (optional)) – Minimum wavelength in Angstroms over which to simulate spectra.

  • max_wave (float (optional)) – Maximum wavelength in Angstroms over which to simulate spectra.

  • phases (np.array-like (optional)) – phases at which to calculate the spectral evolution.

  • wavelengths (np.array-like (optional)) – Wavelengths at which to compute the thermal spectrum.


  • phase_days (array) – Array containing all the phases along the lightcurve evolution at which an SED is defined. This is given in days. Shape is (n_time,).

  • wavelengths (array) – Values in Angstroms of the covered energy spectrum. Shape is (n_wave,).

  • flux (array) – Energy per area values for every combination of phase and wavelengths characterizing the lightcurve of the source. [Ergs/s/cm^2/Angstrom]. Shape is (n_time, n_wave).